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Laós (λαός) translates to “people” or “people assembled”, and is one of the root words that the modern term “liturgy” derives from. Liturgy derives from two ancient Greek words lēitos (more simplified as laòs) and -ergos, which roughly translates to “public” and “work” respectively. Laós in “liturgy” refers to not a passive congregation of people, but rather an active community, who commits to bridge building as a means to congregate.
Inspired by the tradition of liturgy as an active invitation to community and belongingness through public participation, Laós Chamber Music believes that music can also serve as a conduit for human connection and incubate safe and vulnerable spaces for individuals to feel welcomed and heard. Laós believes that music is not a one way street, but rather a conversation among everyone participating, both as a performer and listener.
Entering its inaugural season in the Fall of 2022, Laós Chamber Music is a project of The Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of TheChurch of Our Saviour in San Gabriel, California. In its inaugural season, Laòs hopes to expand on its mission to:
As a direct pilot project of Church of Our Saviour (COS), Laós Chamber Music is committed to sharing a season of high caliber classical chamber music as a COS community offering outside of its sacred and religious offerings. Laós Chamber Music serves both as an exciting artistic project that honors and reclaims COS’ long history as a musical and cultural center in the San Gabriel Valley (SGV), and also serve as an open invitation of hospitality for SGV community members, who are not members of the COS community, to share in excellent music and community building.
Laós believes that music can serve as a conduit for human connection, especially in a societal landscape that is defined by polarity and division. Laós programs and performs the same music in viscerally polar community spaces in Los Angeles County, and invites community members from both venues to experience the music together and share in conversation and fellowship. For its inaugural season as a ministry of Church of Our Saviour (COS), Laòs will perform both at COS, and also hold workshop programs at COS’ partner ministries, including at Our Saviour Center Food Pantry, Dorris Dann Children’s Campus, and at Jubilee Homes.
Although a culturally diverse and rich city, Los Angeles does not have many spaces for young classical musicians to be authentically engaged with artistry in relationship to their community. The ivory tower of classical music in Los Angeles often isolates young musicians from engaging authentically and directly with non-institutional spaces, and often are castrated from any opportunity to create their own projects. Laós hopes to be a musically authentic and financially supportive creative space for young classical musicians to grow as artists and claim their gift that they can contribute to the beautiful community of Greater Los Angeles.
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